Harper + Carter inspired

I met Carter at 54 Below when we both performed as part of Susie Mosher's Backstage show.  I invited Carter to come and jam with me at my subway gig and she showed up with her friend Harper. It was fun sharing what it's like to perform in a very busy station. 

What inspires Carter? "People, no matter where they come from, they're beautiful." and Harper? "women, nature, paintings, cinema."

here's a full version clip of

Carter's song St. Peter's song 

What's your inspiration?

Subway Trombone Jam with Jake Handelman

Just another example of the freedom and spontaneous jamming with another musician that I experience while performing in the subway.  I had previously met trombonist Jake Handelman at LIRR station and we had a fun jam.  Here we met again at 34th st and had fun with my song Good Thing.
What Inspires Jake? "People make the world go round, without other people you can't put anything together, you can't get any new ideas. You just need to keep livin…just put yourself out there."


Good Thing words + music Cathy Grier SESAC singerfish publishing

edited by Dan Kleederman