Eve Ensler V-Day and V-Girls

What does Eve Ensler and V-Day the non profit created to stop violence towards women and girls have to do with Sustainability?

EVERYTHING!  Pure and simple, without women we can't sustain life.

Eve's book 'I Am An Emotional Creature' should be required reading for EVERYONE.  Bullying/Sexting/Peer Pressure is an issue facing schools today.  Eve's book empowers girls to have the courage to voice emotions and affirm that they are not alone.

Join the V-Girls movement, make a difference, be a star.

What Eve has accomplished is super human and you know what?  We all have that ability within us, maybe it's to be just like Eve, a leader, or maybe it's to be able to talk about it to friends and family.  Maybe it's about talking to your senator, congressional member, local mayor. Or doing something you never imagined you could do.  The first step is right in front of you.

Get the facts

For me  "I Am An Emotional Creature" is the 21st century version of "Our Bodies And Ourselves."