What’s your Sister’s Playlist?

My friend Paige Orloff writes a blog for the Sister Project. Her recent blog about music playlists got me thinking about my own sister Susan’s playlist of sorts. Susan opened my ears to a pretty diverse musical world, powerful, fun, deep, from Joni Mitchell to Bob Dylan, Supremes and Stevie Wonder, Leonard Cohen to John Mayhall and Janis too. Her records became mine (even if I had to hide them from her). Or the 45 of ‘I want to Hold your Hand’ that I took to school (was it in 2nd grade?) and it got broken……forgive me Susan, at least you can say you gave me great first musical influences through your records. That of

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Eve Ensler talk, The Girl Cell

Just talking yesterday to my friend Paige (who blogs at The Sister Project) about nycsubwaygirl and how as I continue to develop it, want nycsubwaygirl to be so much more than about me and my adventures in the subway. nycsubwaygirl is I hope eventually a state, a place to build strong community, it’s form created by the collaboration of others. To that extent I think “are you a NYCsubway girl?” Today another friend Cheryl sent me a TED talks link of a speech Eve Ensler gave about girls and the idea of a girl cell. Hmm I thought,

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